Beauty products on table
Is Collagen In Skincare Worth The Hype?

From collagen products to supplements, this ingredient is everywhere. Collagen makes up about 1/3 of the protein found in the body and roughly 75% of what’s found in the skin (Type I). In the dermis (middle layer of skin), collagen is a protein made from peptides that promotes skin elasticity and firmness. As we age, the integrity and amount of our collagen decreases, resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, and less than supple skin.

Many anti-aging products claim to boost collagen production, which is something you should be weary of. We cannot actually produce more collagen once it is lost in our skin, but we can improve the integrity of what remains with quality skincare and regular anti-aging treatments. Collagen in skincare should possess the ability to enhance skin firmness, elasticity, and hydration levels. The result will be a more a youthful and radiant appearance!

When seeking topical solutions to elasticity and firmness loss, you’ll want to seek products containing “soluble collagen”. This size of molecule ensures a reliable delivery method into the skin as its molecular form allows for optimal product absorption. Many creams have larger collagen molecules that inhibit penetration, but will provide a temporary hydrated and plumped look. Collagen serums and lighter creams/gels will typically contain the molecular qualities necessary for binding to your existing collagen to improve the skins texture and suppleness.

A couple of my go-to products for stimulating collagen are the Collagen Stemedic Serum and Advanced Collagen Cream by Dermaesthetics Beverly Hills. I apply a few drops of the serum after cleansing and toning my face, then after a minute or so, I apply the cream which acts as a moisturizer (and it smells yummy too!). I like my skincare products to serve multiple purposes, so I dab both under my eyes and on my lips for additional plumping and hydration.

Preventing premature aging and collagen depletion begins with a healthy you. The primary causes of impaired skin function is UV damage, stress, environmental toxins, drinking/smoking. Skip the tanning beds at all costs and reapply sunblock every 2 hours when you’re exposed to the sun. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only benefit your internal and external health. If you look good, you feel good!



Women in bed wearing pink robe
What Your Lifestyle Does To The Skin

As we age, our face begins to display years of fun, stress, and our lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, this appears in the form of fine lines/wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (dark spots), and volume loss. While we can’t reverse the damage, we can take action to improve the complexion and age gracefully by making a few lifestyle changes. If you don’t feel your age, why should you look it?!

Collagen, elastin, and antioxidant levels increase as we sleep, so be plan on obtaining at least 7 hours of shut-eye to avoid a dull complexion with visible fine lines and wrinkles. You should also make a habit of washing your face before bed to eliminate bacteria and free radicals (environmental youth stealers!) from your skin.

Increased stress levels create higher levels of cortisol in the body, which impacts our skins ability to regenerate and heal itself. Increased cortisol levels also create the perfect environment for breakouts to thrive.

An immediate effect of drinking is dehydrated skin that unveils a lackluster, dull complexion. Long-term effects include a flushed appearance, broken capillaries, and inflammation. Smoking not only creates fine lines and wrinkles in the skin, it also releases carcinogens (cancer causing agents) into the body, which worsens over time. Your face will surely be the first place to display these bad habits!

Opting for fast food and a non-nutritious diet can cause inflammation, breakouts, and a dull complexion. Your body requires nutrient rich fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats to fight wrinkles and maintain a healthy overall appearance.

Aging can be a pleasant experience if you tackle it holistically. Maintaining a well-balanced diet and hydration, wearing SPF daily, monitoring stress levels, and getting ample sleep are the first steps towards decreasing signs of aging (both internal and external). Treating visible signs of aging starts with implementing a daily regimen with high-quality skincare products along with regular professional treatments. Remember, great skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment!

