Woman with facial brushes
3 Reasons Men Need Regular Facials

These days, skin care and personal grooming aren’t solely reserved for women. While men seem to easily embrace their “silver fox” statuses, they aren’t quite as fond of fine lines and imperfect complexions. Because of this, a more proactive approach to aging and self-care has become the norm for men in recent years.

To establish competitive advantage, major beauty brands now formulate entire product lines exclusively for men. These products are easily accessed online and through brick-and-mortar retailers across the globe. Due to such availability, the male personal grooming industry is projected to reach $166 Billion by 2022 and growth rates are expected to increase year-over-year thereafter.

While it’s no longer taboo for men to better care for their overall appearance, they aren’t scheduling clinical facials as they should. Don’t get me wrong, I have my fair share of male clients, but it’s often a struggle maintaining our monthly treatment plan. Thank God for their girlfriends or wives who support my efforts!


To help put things in perspective and encourage better self care, I’ll share my top 3 reasons why men need regular facials…

# 1 -It is not uncommon for men to experience sensitivity and ingrown hairs from shaving. Clinical facials/products prep the skin for a smoother shave, and extractions minimize the presence of ingrown hairs. Soothing and healing topicals will also aid in overall skin health and minimize discomfort while shaving.

#2 – Environmental pollutants such as poor air quality and UV rays accelerate the aging process and dry out the skin, so men who work outdoors/play sports have a high risk for premature aging. Advanced exfoliation during facials speeds up the cellular turnover rate to unveil a healthier complexion and minimize effects of free radical exposure.

#3 – Men tend to produce more oil in their skin, which causes enlarged pores, blackheads, and acne. Regular facials provide the deep cleanse and detoxification needed to regulate oil production, unclog those pores, and clear up/prevent blemishes. 


To supplement facials, your aesthetician should recommend a simple daily regimen. A good cleanser, toner, and moisturizer are all it takes to get you on the right track. Once you’re comfortable with these products, incorporate a nourishing serum to further treat and repair your skin. Per usual, SPF is always the last step in a morning routine, so don’t forget to include it in the AM.

Ladies, I’m counting on you to share this info with all the men in your lives! Initially, they may be resistant towards seeing a facialist, so schedule your appointments in tandem to ease them into it. Trust me, it’s well worth the effort – most men are hooked after their first treatment, and don’t be surprised when they brag about it to their friends, haha. Remember, great skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment!



Woman with Makeup
What Is Your Face Worth?

I regret investing in products that make me feel prettier…said no woman, ever! Between your skin care routine and makeup, how many products do you use on a daily basis (go ahead and count now)? On average, I use 7 different products to prep my skin, followed by 10 items (give or take a couple depending on my mood) from my makeup arsenal to complete the look. That’s right, 17 products…every…single…day. Sheesh, that sounds like a lot more work than it actually is, haha.

After tallying the number of products I use daily, I thought it would be fun to calculate the cost. Skin care is by far my biggest beauty investment, so let’s start there. From my cleanser to my SPF, my entire routine is roughly worth $430.00 – thank God the average use of products is 3-4 months! I’m not exactly the “splurging” type, but this expense is completely justifiable at just over $100.00 a month. It’s even more digestible at $3.50 a day, which is less than that must-have Starbucks coffee on the way to work!

While my makeup routine consists of more products, I mix in drugstore brands with higher end products for a less (initially) frightening total. I use everything from a primer to lipgloss daily, which all totals $275.00 or so. Depending on how crazy I get with application, most of it lasts about 3 months. Breaking that down, it’s only around $3.00 a day. Not bad when an even complexion can make or break your day – yep, I have meltdowns when my makeup looks bad too (and don’t even get me started on how a bad hair can bring me to tears, haha).

If you’re anything like me, you freak out when someone touches your face. Now rather than lecturing those face-touchers on the transfer of germs, you can actually quantify the price of that unwelcome touch. Feel free to charge repeat offenders 😉

Per my usual stance on this, the investment in quality products and treatments to maintain a youthful appearance is well worth it. Pairing a healthy lifestyle with your facial routine will ensure your best skin always shines – this will also cut down on those botox bills down the line 😉


Skincare Products
Perfecting The Complexion While You Sleep

Hopefully you’ve taken notice of my obsessive rants on washing your face at night and are actually being compliant – if you are, THANK YOU!!! I’m sure you’ve also gathered that I’m also obsessed with regimens. Like the body, your skin rejuvenates itself while you sleep, so maintaining a healthy nighttime regimen is a great way to effortlessly perfect the complexion while you snooze – helllloooo, that’s why it’s called “beauty sleep”!

Depending on my mood, the products I use at night differ from the ones I use in the AM. I tend to layer on more serums and a heavier moisturizer at night, which ensures I wake up with supple and hydrated skin. You should sleep on your back as to not rub off all those expensive skincare products or cause unnecessary friction on the skin (wrinkle causing). My regimen is detailed below, and I hope it inspires you to create and maintain your own!

To gently remove makeup, I swear by double-cleansing at night. My first cleanse is an oil based cleanser which easily removes my makeup. The second cleanse is typically an exfoliating one to promote healthy cell turnover. You can use one with a little grit or an exfoliating chemical – glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acid are all effective options.

Stay away from alcohol based toners as they will dry out your skin – i.e. witch hazel. Instead, opt for nourishing toners that suit your skin type. I’m currently obsessed with the Kypwell Signature Flower Mist Toner at night. It refreshes the skin while balancing the PH and smells lovely!

I love to infuse hydrating products before bed. My latest favorite nighttime serum is the Moisture B5 Serum by Dermaesthetics. It provides tons of hydration and makes my skin feel soooo soft! I also struggle with hyperpigmentation and like to layer on a serum to treat it in the AM and PM. I go between a Vitamin C and color correcting serum.

I don’t like to use a heavy moisturizer during the day, but surely love one at night. Depending on what my skin is up to, I may even double up on the moisturizer to treat it with extra nutrients. Lately I’ve been loving the Intensive Retinol Repair by NIA24 as it combats aging and pigment while also hydrating the skin.

The trick to properly applying skincare is to layer based on product consistency – lightest to heaviest provides ideal ingredient infusion. It’s totally fine to adjust your regimen based on your lifestyle and get as creative as you’d like. Should you require guidance on creating a regimen, feel free to send me a message to schedule a virtual skin care assessment. To purchase any of the Dermaesthetics products mentioned here, use the discount code “thebeautysaint” for 10% off any online product purchase 🙂

