Skincare Products I Simply Can’t Live Without

Had I known in my 20s what I know in my 30s, I’d have the skin of a newborn baby! Until my 30s, my skin care regimen only consisted of a couple nourishing products and SPF. Now, I don’t feel complete unless all 15 steps of my routine are perfectly executed. Ok, perhaps I’m slightly exaggerating, but you get the picture, haha.

I typically skip a few steps of my regimen while traveling due to FOMO, but there are some products I simply cannot live without, regardless of the situation. I’ve found nourishing my skin to be a better use of time and the key to maintaining a clear and radiant complexion, so while many will cringe at this, a fancy cleanser doesn’t make the cut. You can make up for omitting the cleanser by infusing nutrients with other products.

The first product I can’t live without are makeup wipes. Don’t get me wrong, they shouldn’t take the place of proper cleansing, they simply get the job done when I’m pressed for time or traveling. I even keep some on my nightstand in the event I’m too exhausted to make it to sink to wash my face. It’s difficult for me to sleep if I don’t remove my makeup and environmental debris, so makeup wipes generally get the job done. I always rinse my face or utilize a wet washcloth after to eliminate breakouts and clear away that last bit of debris.

The second product I’m obsessed with is toner. There are a lot of debates surrounding the effectiveness and necessity of toner, and I attribute this to the accessibility of alcohol based toners that strip the skin. My suggestion is to seek products that contain nourishing agents suited for your skin type. A quality toner will provide proper nourishment and balance your skins PH to prep it for optimal ingredient penetration with the next steps in your regimen.

The third type of product that my skin simply loves are serums. I typically layer two at night and in the morning, even when in a time crunch. A brightening and hydrating one get the job done for me. When you opt for medical grade serums, you’ll quickly notice the positive effects they have on your skin. Serums are also ideal for those who find moisturizers to be comedogenic.

The fourth and most important product that I simply can’t live without is SPF. Utilizing a moisturizer containing SPF allows you to eliminate one step while still getting that combo your skin needs. I gravitate towards and recommend SPF with a physical block vs chemical block, but I’m delighted with any use of SPF as many forget its importance.

The key to maintaining a youthful appearance is preventing it from a young age. Should you not have the time or budget for a robust skincare regimen, please utilize SPF daily, if nothing else. The sun causes 90% of premature aging and is also the main culprit behind skin cancer, so it’s really a win-win to incorporate SPF into your morning routine. Should you need guidance on products, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! You can also get a 10% discount on quality products at Dermaesthetics Beverly Hills by using code TheBeautySaint at checkout.



Acne Facials That Really Work


Acne is the most common skin condition in America, so most of us have struggled (or continue to struggle *raises hand*) with breakouts. And let’s be real, nothing can mess up your day like a good ol’ acne flare up (OK, a bad hair day Fs me up too, haha). While it’s difficult to predict a breakout, you can take simple precautionary measures to lessen the severity, manage inflammation, and lighten those unsightly acne scars.

The key to managing acne is to treat the issue holistically – lifestyle, diet, and professional treatments must work synergistically for optimal healing. As a licensed Aesthetician, I’ve done countless facials and have a few faves that are my go-to acne fighting cocktails. For more severe cases, I often recommend consulting a Dermatologist so we can tackle the issue from all angles.

If you’re a facial first-timer, your Aesthetician may opt for a calming facial to thoroughly analyze your skin and gauge sensitivity. Soothing products and masks with ingredients like aloe, cucumber, and chamomile are often used. Antibacterial products should also be included to avoid exacerbating flare ups.

Peels are a fantastic approach to reduce inflammation, bacteria, and hyperpigmentation. Inflamed skin is often sensitive to harsh ingredients, especially in the early treatment stage, so starting with a natural/organically derived peel is a great option. Pumpkin, Pineapple, and Papaya contain acne fighting enzymes that unclog pores gently/safely, and because these treatments are mild, you shouldn’t experience downtime or discomfort.

High percentage salicylic, lactic, and trichloroacetic acids are commonly used to treat severe acne. Jessner peels are also great for treating acneic skin, as they contain a combination of acids that target active acne and scarring from previous breakouts. Depending on the depth of the peel, you may experience some downtime, but the overall improvement in your complexion is well worth it.

Extractions are standard with facials, but don’t be discouraged when your Aesthetician only removes blackheads. Attempting to extract inflamed blemishes can spread bacteria and exacerbate skin issues. To best treat active breakouts at home, you’ll want to soothe and dry out any pustules vs “picking” them. Facial add-ons such as high frequency or LED therapy are also helpful with clearing up the skin.

There are also a number of advanced treatments available for severe acne and deep scaring. Microneedling and lasers are known to provide fantastic results when done properly and paired with a solid self-care regimen. Darker skin tones don’t respond as well to lasers as lighter skin does, so please ensure your technician is properly credentialed in the services they provide to avoid any potential mishaps.

You can’t expect a miracle if you aren’t willing to commit to regular professional treatments plus a healthy self-care regimen. I typically outline the treatment plan with clients and get them started on a home regimen prior to their first appointment to ensure optimal results are achieved. Nourishing the skin is also essential in the healing process, as malnourished cells don’t do the complexion justice after resurfacing treatments. Remember, great skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment!


What Is Your Face Worth?

I regret investing in products that make me feel prettier…said no woman, ever! Between your skin care routine and makeup, how many products do you use on a daily basis (go ahead and count now)? On average, I use 7 different products to prep my skin, followed by 10 items (give or take a couple depending on my mood) from my makeup arsenal to complete the look. That’s right, 17 products…every…single…day. Sheesh, that sounds like a lot more work than it actually is, haha.

After tallying the number of products I use daily, I thought it would be fun to calculate the cost. Skin care is by far my biggest beauty investment, so let’s start there. From my cleanser to my SPF, my entire routine is roughly worth $430.00 – thank God the average use of products is 3-4 months! I’m not exactly the “splurging” type, but this expense is completely justifiable at just over $100.00 a month. It’s even more digestible at $3.50 a day, which is less than that must-have Starbucks coffee on the way to work!

While my makeup routine consists of more products, I mix in drugstore brands with higher end products for a less (initially) frightening total. I use everything from a primer to lipgloss daily, which all totals $275.00 or so. Depending on how crazy I get with application, most of it lasts about 3 months. Breaking that down, it’s only around $3.00 a day. Not bad when an even complexion can make or break your day – yep, I have meltdowns when my makeup looks bad too (and don’t even get me started on how a bad hair can bring me to tears, haha).

If you’re anything like me, you freak out when someone touches your face. Now rather than lecturing those face-touchers on the transfer of germs, you can actually quantify the price of that unwelcome touch. Feel free to charge repeat offenders 😉

Per my usual stance on this, the investment in quality products and treatments to maintain a youthful appearance is well worth it. Pairing a healthy lifestyle with your facial routine will ensure your best skin always shines – this will also cut down on those botox bills down the line 😉
