My Experience With The Hollywood Peel

As an educator for Dermaesthetics, I often attend and support events with our local partners, which is not only one of my favorite aspects of the job, it’s also a great avenue for exploring advancements in aesthetics. Recently, I had the pleasure of working with Li Plastic Surgery during their annual patient appreciation event. Dr. Ka Ming Li offers surgical procedures while his incredibly sweet and talented RN wife, Dawn Li, performs non-surgical aesthetic procedures and consults s patients on unique treatment options.

My primary skin insecurities are melasma and volume loss, so during a break in the event, I spoke to Dawn about viable treatment methods. She educated me on the features and benefits of Radio-Frequency Microneedling and the Spectra Laser. While I’ve learned microneedling can effectively treat melasma, it’s rare for lasers to be FDA approved methods, as heat exacerbates melasma. Dawn decided to demo both treatments and asked if I was interested in testing out the Spectra – I’m certain I said yes before she could complete the question, haha.


The Spectra is often referred to as “The Hollywood Peel” as there is zero downtime with immediate illuminating results. It’s designed to treat acne and hyperpigmentation/Melasma, and also effectively removes tattoos . The laser has 4 specific wavelengths that penetrate into the dermis to stimulate collagen production, break down pigment, and reduce sebum production for an instant boost to skins firmness and radiance. Post-procedure, you’ll experience refined pores, reduced inflammation, and overall improved skin tone and texture. In addition to these benefits, the real selling point is that it’s said to be virtually painless.


After removing my makeup, Dawn applied a carbon based lotion on my face that is similar in appearance to a clay mask. The carbon lotion absorbs the lasers heat while simultaneously allowing the laser to penetrate the skin and work its magic. Dawn explained I’d hear faint “snapping” sounds when the laser established contact with the carbon, but assured me not to be alarmed. I was also given a cooling wand to follow along with the laser to mitigate any potential discomfort. To my surprise, on a scale of 1-10, the level of activity I experienced was barley a 1!

The entire procedure was only 15 minutes or so and I was able to wear makeup immediately after. I would typically allow my skin to “breathe” after a treatment, but we were still working the event so I had to look presentable, haha. Thus far, I’ve experienced a beautiful glow to my skin, lightened hyperpigmentation, and reduced pore size. It also effectively minimized the size of a keloid I’ve had on my nose for years. I also feel more firm and supple which has created a lifted appearance in the lower half of my face. The effects appear to be improving over time which has been quite the pleasant surprise! I’ve also been layering the EGF and DNA Serums from Dermaesthetics along with our Colorlite Plus Gel and White Cotton Cream to achieve optimal treatment results.

Several of my friends have asked what I’m doing differently with my skin as they’ve noticed an improvement in the texture and tone of my complexion. Needless to say, I am very pleased with the results and highly recommend The Hollywood Peel to anyone seeking restoration of their youthful complexion. I especially recommend this treatment to anyone struggling with Melasma as there are very limited options available to us.

* TIPS *

Similar to most treatments, you’ll receive optimal results with a series of sessions spaced as little as 7 days apart. Your clinician will determine the best course of action based on the severity of the skin concern being treated, but you should anticipate committing to at least 3 treatments. Pricing varies on location and discounted rates are typically offered with packages.

Should you happen to reside in the San Gabriel Valley, I highly recommend Li Plastic Surgery for The Hollywood Peel. Dr. Li offers a variety of surgical procedures while Dawn administers Botox, a variety of fillers, High-Frequency Microneedling, and chemical peels. Their entire staff is lovely and well-versed in all things aesthetics, so you can absolutely trust them with your pretty face. I’ve observed Dawn perform a number of treatments and injectables which all resulted in satisfied patients, and Tina, their Aesthetician, is truly a skin expert you can trust.

You can also purchase Dermaesthetics post-procedure products directly from them to ensure your skin heals properly, and don’t forget to tell my girls I sent you in when you schedule your consultation!

Remember, great skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment!


How To Properly Apply Skincare Products

Have you ever set out to purchase something as simple as a moisturizer, yet returned home with an arsenal of skincare products and no idea how to use them? Trust me, you are not alone on this – we’ve all been there! And how many times has their expiration date surpassed by the time you learned how to use them?! Before another set of products lose their efficacy while chillin in your medicine cabinet, let’s discuss how to properly apply skincare products.

The basic rule of thumb is to let the product consistency guide you. Thinnest to heaviest will allow for optimal product absorption and efficacy when layering products.

STEP #1 – Cleanser: You’ll of course always begin your regimen with a cleanser best suited for your skin type (initiate a double cleanse with oil first if you’re a makeup fanatic) prior to applying the fun stuff.

STEP #2 – Toner: Spritz with a nutrient enriched toner to balance the skins PH and prep it for serums and creams.

STEP #3 – Eye Cream: Applying your eye cream first allows absorption in the appropriate areas. With your ring-finger, tap a small amount of product under the eye and over your lids until completely absorbed. A little trick I’ve found to be delightful is to keep my eye cream in the refrigerator for a cooling and soothing effect on the sensitive eye area.

STEP #4 – Serums: When using multiple serums, apply according to their consistencies or combine them if you’re pressed for time. Thinest to heaviest is best, and you can layer them after 30 seconds or so. I gravitate towards brightening serums for nighttime use and hydrating ones to maintain moisture levels during the day.

STEP #5 Moisturizer: To further enhance the efficacy of serums, layer on a moisturizer that provides the proper nutrients to treat your skin concerns. A quality moisturizer will provide an additional health boost to the skin while locking in nutrients from the serums for a radiant complexion.

STEP #6 – SPF: All those fancy skincare products are a waste if you don’t seal them with SPF. Nothing more than a 50 is needed, but you must remember to reapply every 2 hours to prevent sun damage and decrease your odds of skin cancer.

There you have it, a little cheat sheet for properly applying skincare products. You can obviously skip any steps that are not currently in your possession, but it isn’t a bad idea to add in any of the missing products to create that perfect anti-aging regimen. Should you need guidance selecting products suited for your skin type, don’t hesitate to shoot me a message. You can also take an online skincare assessment and save 10% on quality products at Dermaesthetics Beverly Hills with discount code “TheBeautySaint”.



Acne Facials That Really Work


Acne is the most common skin condition in America, so most of us have struggled (or continue to struggle *raises hand*) with breakouts. And let’s be real, nothing can mess up your day like a good ol’ acne flare up (OK, a bad hair day Fs me up too, haha). While it’s difficult to predict a breakout, you can take simple precautionary measures to lessen the severity, manage inflammation, and lighten those unsightly acne scars.

The key to managing acne is to treat the issue holistically – lifestyle, diet, and professional treatments must work synergistically for optimal healing. As a licensed Aesthetician, I’ve done countless facials and have a few faves that are my go-to acne fighting cocktails. For more severe cases, I often recommend consulting a Dermatologist so we can tackle the issue from all angles.

If you’re a facial first-timer, your Aesthetician may opt for a calming facial to thoroughly analyze your skin and gauge sensitivity. Soothing products and masks with ingredients like aloe, cucumber, and chamomile are often used. Antibacterial products should also be included to avoid exacerbating flare ups.

Peels are a fantastic approach to reduce inflammation, bacteria, and hyperpigmentation. Inflamed skin is often sensitive to harsh ingredients, especially in the early treatment stage, so starting with a natural/organically derived peel is a great option. Pumpkin, Pineapple, and Papaya contain acne fighting enzymes that unclog pores gently/safely, and because these treatments are mild, you shouldn’t experience downtime or discomfort.

High percentage salicylic, lactic, and trichloroacetic acids are commonly used to treat severe acne. Jessner peels are also great for treating acneic skin, as they contain a combination of acids that target active acne and scarring from previous breakouts. Depending on the depth of the peel, you may experience some downtime, but the overall improvement in your complexion is well worth it.

Extractions are standard with facials, but don’t be discouraged when your Aesthetician only removes blackheads. Attempting to extract inflamed blemishes can spread bacteria and exacerbate skin issues. To best treat active breakouts at home, you’ll want to soothe and dry out any pustules vs “picking” them. Facial add-ons such as high frequency or LED therapy are also helpful with clearing up the skin.

There are also a number of advanced treatments available for severe acne and deep scaring. Microneedling and lasers are known to provide fantastic results when done properly and paired with a solid self-care regimen. Darker skin tones don’t respond as well to lasers as lighter skin does, so please ensure your technician is properly credentialed in the services they provide to avoid any potential mishaps.

You can’t expect a miracle if you aren’t willing to commit to regular professional treatments plus a healthy self-care regimen. I typically outline the treatment plan with clients and get them started on a home regimen prior to their first appointment to ensure optimal results are achieved. Nourishing the skin is also essential in the healing process, as malnourished cells don’t do the complexion justice after resurfacing treatments. Remember, great skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment!
